
The Westhollow Kickoff Meeting was a great success! We had about 40 people show up and participate in discussions on our plans for the Westhollow area of Dallas, garnered a great deal of support, volunteers and got to meet a lot of really enthusiastic people!

We discussed what the priorities are for the community and how we can begin implementing these ideas and programs.

If you weren’t able to make the meeting, please feel free to download a copy of the presentation we made here.

Our next meeting will be in June for those interested in volunteering and for being members to sit on committees. If you’re interested, please fill out this form.

6 Replies to “Westhollow Kickoff Meeting”

  1. The Royal Hills neighborhood does not go up to Northhaven. The northern boundary is Townsend. A crimewatch group set up did include the extra streets up to Northhaven, but the neighborhood is deeded as KENILWORTH ESTATES.

  2. The Royal Hills neighborhood does not go up to Northhaven. The northern boundary is Townsend. A crimewatch group set up did include the extra streets up to Northhaven, but the neighborhood is deeded as KENILWORTH ESTATES.

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